Wednesday, July 26, 2023

They're Leaving ... Soon

OK, to be honest, neither my boss nor my supervisor "came down" on me for my work yesterday/Tuesday.  Still could, though, especially since I stayed an hour over.  But until I have, like, actual news to share with you on that front, I should give my drama (at least on that) a rest.

Uh, in the meantime, I am going to reveal that my parents have told me they are leaving the house ... in a couple months.  I haven't kept track of how long they summer here and when they leave, but it feels as though they are usually gone by Labor Weekend.  It doesn't seem they are doing that this time around.  Which is fine; again, they are still in good health, so any day they are free to go wherever they want on their own is a blessed day for all of us.  And like I said, it's good to have them around, even when I sometimes wish to have the whole house to myself.

But since they're here now, I can't feel like I can, say, stay out after work five days a week if I want, or, for this particular summer, leave and watch a Women's World Cup Match at midnight or 2 in the morning (this is all contingent on a bar willing to be open then; there were many more pubs open for the men's World Cup last Year in another example of sexism, and I say that even accounting for the awful Game start times because the WWC is being held in Australia and New Zealand).  I also feel as if I need to be sneakier when it comes to buying things.  For example, there is a laptop pillow (you use it if you want to work on your laptop on your bed, like I'm doing now while blog posting this) I'm thinking of buying, but I'm not going to if my folks are going to take the package that's left at the front door and bring it into my bedroom because Mother will start asking questions as to why am I buying this stuff.

On the other hand, at least I have clarity as to how long they'll be here.  I also want to purchase a USWNT soccer jersey.  It's probably best I buy it online, but I want to purchase it through Nike, which I think will deliver it directly to my house.  That would mean that package will be found by my folks and that will mean Mother will start asking, "What's this?" but I really want to buy and wear it during the Women's World Cup, so that will be something I will just have to bite the bullet on.  To the good, I know that I have at least a month of dinners waiting for me, and that will be money I don't have to spend eating out.  To the bad, I will need to wait at least a month before I bring my whore girlfriends here to touch my naked body.  But at least I know when.

I won't count the days.  But I will prepare.  And the day they leave will be a day I have mixed feelings ... like I usually have, with nearly all things.

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