Saturday, July 1, 2023

I Have Rarely Been More Terrified Than When I Drooped My Head Last Night

Last night I was sitting up on my bed.  I had just finished eating and washing the dishes.  I had the TV on to the first Match of Liga MX (hella early; they finished their previous season 32 Days ago) while scrolling through Twitter on my cell.  I don't think I managed to pass out in my car at lunchtime at work (just too hot), but I felt OK, even though I was blindsided with a ton of stuff to do at work that both upset me and tired me out.

I have a huge ... I don't know what to call it, but it's on top of my head, and when I pinch it, puss comes out.  I have acne on the back of my neck, but I didn't think it'd appear on top of my head, but it's bad, and it's in a real bad place.  I rest my head on the wall when I'm sitting on my bed, and the contact point is right where this damn thing is.  Maybe I have this, uh, wart/pussy thing because I'm resting my head on my wall so much?

Anyway, I applied both Father's topical cream and a combination of tea tree and coconut oil on it.  Obviously I couldn't rest my head on anything while all that stuff was working on The Thing On Top Of My Head, so I was resting on an elbow while lying on my bed while doomscrolling and not watching the TV.  Got that?  OK.

All of a sudden, I felt tired -- like, maybe I need to take that evening nap I've been taking ever since my folks came home.  But no, I need this mixture to work, so I need to stay somewhat upright and certainly not rest my head anywhere.  And then, I have no idea how, I drooped my head, as if I was going to fall asleep immediately, right then and there on my bed.  I immediately came to, then decided my body was going to win this battle.  I went to the bathroom to clean off the top of my head, dry it off, then, to make sure that it had space to dry, was careful to lay on my side so that the top of my head and The Thing On Top Of My Head would be exposed to the air while I passed out.  I did, but only for 40 minutes.  If I was that tired, I thought I would have been out for at least two hours, if not more.

What scares me is that this ... wave of fatigue hit me out of the blue -- suddenly and completely.  I was not tired, and then I was completely exhausted.  And even though I obviously have been tired at home, I cannot remember if I ever, ever drooped my head like that.  It reminds me of times way back when when I was so tired at my desk at a temp job that I fell asleep -- or, even more frightening, when I fell asleep at the wheel while driving.  I don't remember when I last drooped my head while on the road, thank Buddha, but those are never times when you want to pass out.  It doesn't matter that I wasn't in danger when this finger of sleep touched me.  I don't know how I just ... lost control of my body and my sense like I did this past evening.  I don't want it to ever happen again, but I'm powerless to prevent that.

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