Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Addendum To: Worst Day At Work. Ever.

Today/Wednesday I go back into work, not knowing/dreading what awaits me after the shit day I had on Monday.  I was hoping I could just ease into my day -- pick off the low-hanging fruit, take a deep breath, then pray that the workload isn't as massive as it was two days ago.

But that ain't gonna fuckin' happen, because I just realized that the very first thing I need to do when I get to work is change the password to get into the fucking computer.  My company -- and I'm guessing all companies, come to think of it -- tell their employees they need to change their passwords periodically for security purposes.  I was warned for several days leading up to Monday that it was going to expire yesterday/Tuesday.  The last thing I should have done before I left work Monday was change my password but, well, I had The Workday From Hell and I forgot all about it.

I have forgotten changing passwords first thing in the morning in mornings past, and that's its only special hell.  More than once have I tried changing the password and instead have been locked out.  In cases like that, I have to call IT.  In extreme cases, to prove to IT that I indeed work where I work, I have had to ask my boss to step in and make a call.  All of this takes time -- time better spent on working.  Fuck me, it's all coming back to me now ... the last time I had to change my password, which was a few months ago, I was so locked out that I couldn't get started for 90 minutes.  I think my supervisor let me work on another computer with her login, which I think is against the rules.  Shit, man, remembering that bullshit gives me chills right now.  I was so backed up with work because of that goddamn delay.  My day was ruined.  Well, not as bad as Monday, but still plenty ruined.

Oh, wait; what if I get locked out for 90 minutes today and have as much work as I did on Monday?  Well, if that happens, fuck it, I might just quit.  Goddamn computers and their security bullshit. ...

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