Tuesday, September 3, 2024

The Thing I Hate About Vacations Is That They Have To End ...

... and if they have to end, why do I even go on them?  It always ends up only in heartbreak.

I have walked enough for a lifetime.  Sweated enough for a lifetime, too.  But the main reason I took this vacation was to see my alma mater.  My feelings on this vacation largely hinged on whether or not my team won.  If they didn't, I'd feel it were a waste, and I was girding myself to the probability that they would.  But no!  They won!!  And in exciting, come-from-behind fashion!!!  So this vacation, despite the two hours I had wasted getting to this speakeasy west of the Strip and, like I said, all the walking and sweating, this vacation was totally worth it ... well, besides it all ending and stuff.

I had the run of the condo all to myself for three days.  It was glorious.  I'm glad I finally took my parents up on their offer to give me this place whenever I wanted to vacay here.  Having the whole place to myself meant I could prance around naked everywhere in the condo.  I hope they don't have secret cameras.  It is a bit spacious, but it's not like the house.  I can see a girlfriend or even my sibling (either, not both) living here with me, but it's a pretty good size for a bachelor pad.  And I could strew around my clothes however I want, or defecate with the bathroom door open, and no one would care what I did.

All in all, despite the drawbacks, I have to admit that this was a great vacation.  Even though it has to end.

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