Thursday, September 5, 2024

Got done last/Wednesday night with the fantasy football league I'm in charge of, the one with the auction and the actual gambling.  Lost someone, so we're down to six people, but at least it's an even number.

Wanted to really, really prep for it, but between coming back from Las Vegas, needing to catch up on my sleep, and remembering that there were other things I needed to do, I really didn't have time, so I winged it.  Problem is, only one other guy showed up for the auction.  I think I cornered the market on studs, at least the ones I wanted.

I'm still bummed that I didn't act fast enough, and I botched, the last auction pick I made.  I wanted Zahir White of The Bastard Oakland by way of Los Angeles Raiders, but I got James Conner of The Bastard Chicago by way of St. Louis Cardinals instead.  I'm still somewhat cheesed off over that.  He is not the guy I wanted.

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