Thursday, September 19, 2024

I Was Late, So I'm Slipping Into Delinquency Again

So there is a new attendance policy that came into effect August 1 -- have I blog posted about this already? -- and everybody was so up in arms about it it felt like this is a big sign that the company would shut down here.  This change frightened and ultimately chastened me, however; beginning August 1, I have never been late.  I have always been able to clock in at the top of the hour when I'm supposed to.  That is something that, at one point at this job, I found impossible to do.

But I broke that streak yesterday/Wednesday morning.  I wanted to get McDonald's on the way to work, but unfortunately I didn't leave the house early like I've managed to since August 1.  Add that I decided to order an egg-and-cheese bagel which I had to take a few minutes to eat, and once I pulled in and had only two minutes before the top of the hour came, I decided to be late so I could somewhat relax while eating my bagel.  Besides, I don't think I would get a demerit if I was five minutes late -- will I?

I finished my bagel (and drank all the orange juice I always bought at Mickey D's).  I left my bookbag and didn't put up the shades to block the sunlight from entering my car because I needed to make sure I wasn't too late.  I clocked in four minutes after I should have.  The first thing I did when I turned on my workstation was to check the tardiness policy again.  Yep -- at least you have five minutes of grace before there is a "point" marked against you.

Good that I don't have a black mark put on my permanent record.  Going back to my car to retrieve the rest of my stuff and put up all my shades later in the morning was the right thing to do.  But now that I have confirmed I have five minutes to work with, you damn right I will use it as often as possible!

I'm a rebel (again)!

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