Friday, September 6, 2024

So Where Did The Banana Bread Go?

So Father usually packs two things for me to take to work: A banana and something Mother made.  I have told him repeatedly that I don't need to eat food at work (it makes me fat and sluggish), but he has never ever listened to me the three decades or so I have been a working man, so I have given up.  Instead, I eat one of the two items during my afternoon break and then take the other one home with me, hoping to eat that as a late-night snack.

Usually I eat the pastry/bakery item Mother makes me and bring home the banana.  But on Wednesday night, Mother made me drink this sugary-looking drink with seaweed that I have had to eat/drink all through my childhood after dinner, and so I didn't feel like eating the banana.  (Didn't matter; I ate Doritos and generic chips late at night to get the taste of that devilish concoction out of my mouth, ick.)  What I did was replace the new banana Father laid out for me on the kitchen counter with the one he gave me that day and put the "new" banana back to where he puts the bunch of bananas.

Yesterday/Thursday morning I looked into my lunch (plastic) bag to see what else is in there.  I think it was banana bread, though I wasn't sure because I was in a rush to leave and I was still groggy from getting up.  Well, yesterday at work was hell because the flight that brought us all our work was delayed by 90 minutes on Wednesday.  Even though I still don't know how much that domino effect shook the company to its core, the lab decided to carry over over a dozen bins of work to yesterday/Thursday, and for some reason they processed them all then.  That meant that we had to stay a bit late to enter the data into our system, and even then were so overwhelmed that my bosses decided to tell everyone to leave and give them the option of coming in early today/Friday.  See, we have a rack of folders into which we throw our, uh, folders of work.  That is entirely filled, and there are several folders on top of the rack that I saw on my way out the door.  If that has ever happened while I was at this job, it's been years.

The cascade rolled down to me in The Fourth Department, too.  I was pulled out of that position to do data entry, and by the time I realized everyone else had left, I saw that there maybe were thousands of forms to key plus all my stuff I still had to do.  I usually give myself an extra two hours of overtime to finish all my work that day, but honestly, there was so much I had to push aside and so much new stuff that came from the lab that I would have to put in a full workday to get it all done.

I thought my boss would drop by where I was working to give me instructions on how to finish up what I can, but apparently he just left, so I texted him on his phone.  He told me I could stay an extra hour, and that's what I did.  But all my work in The Fourth Department is unfinished, and considering the new work that will come in today, a full workday will not be enough to get it all done.  I usually hate leaving work unfinished in The Fourth Department, but this I believe is unprecedented, and while I want to rack up the overtime, the circumstances that prevented me from wrapping up all my work convinced me this time to let it go and to heed my boss' wish to leave after nine hours at the job.  It's that bad, and again, I have no idea how in the hell a flight delayed 90 minutes could cause these disastrous knock-on effects.


Oh, I was talking about food, wasn't I?  Yeah, so as you can tell, it got so busy that I almost missed afternoon break.  I did eat the banana I tided over from the previous day, and I decided I would eat the banana bread once I came home.  But right now, I don't know where it is.  I swear I brought it in with me.  If so, Father probably put it somewhere in the refrigerator (although I tried looking for it in there and I can't find it), or he ate it, or he threw it away.  Hope to Buddha it still isn't in the car.  But if so, I will eat it, and I will hope that it hasn't gone bad just because it's been in the car since I came home.

I hate forgetting where I put stuff.  It makes me think I'm losing my mind.

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