Sunday, September 1, 2024

Having This Condo All To Myself Is ... Now Good

I was bedeviled since getting in last night that I couldn't get the TV to work.  I just got it to work.  All I had to do was unplug the cable receiver.  Guess it needed some resetting.

Honestly, not being able to get the TV to work harshed my mellow last night, and it was driving me crazy till just now.  I will obviously be going around the city while I'm here, but dammit, I needed my TV, and if I couldn't get it to work all weekend, I would be quite upset.

The fridge is also unplugged.  I will be going without chilled food and drinks all weekend.  But I understand, because it's not the TV; it makes no sense to go out of my way to plug that in only to unplug it after three days.  But I'm drinking room temperature water, which is kind of useless in hot Las Vegas weather.  And I have to drink the rest of the Coke I got from leaving the Peppermill, and it's been sitting on the couch all night.


Uh, what else?  I am sleeping in the guest room, and I just noticed that my parents have put up a picture of a nude woman.  So that's a choice.

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