Saturday, September 21, 2024

Blended Watermelon Is Just ... Pulp And Water

I think Mother thinks she knows how to make a smoothie, but she doesn't.  Churning up watermelons in a blender, like she just did after going all-in on a sale (at least I reckon), is not a smoothie.  It tastes refreshing, and there's a lot of re-used bottles in the fridge, but it ain't no smoothie.  It's just liquid watermelon.

And it separates, too.  I opened the refrigerator to start drinking them up and I was kind of surprised to basically see bottles of water.  Then I looked at the bottom of them and saw the watermelon pulp that settled.  I shake it up before pouring them into my cup, of course, but that is all what Mother made: Watermelon pulp and water.  Again, not the worst thing in the world, it's just ... fruit in liquid form.

By the way, I have to drink them all before it gets too old.  Made the mistake of drinking a bottle not too long ago that may have been in there for two weeks, and not only did it smell bad, it tasted bad.  Surprised that liquid watermelon spoils, but there you go.  And now I have to drink up all these bottles in the refrigerator now before they go bad.  Great.

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