Tuesday, September 10, 2024

She Caught A Glimpse!

So I showed ******e it.  Finally, after decades and decades of being a good boy, and even though it was in a room with open doors where anybody can just walk in and see us grooving on a chair, I whipped it out.  Kinda.  I made sure no guys were looking in, and I maneuvered my thing through my open fly, but I stuck out the head because if I took out my whole shaft (as hard as it was -- showing a woman it for the first time remains a galvanizing experience for me even in my advanced age!) and someone interrupted us, I might be fucked.

So, ******e stood up from grinding me, turned around, was talking to me about something (we had years of catching up to do -- seriously, I hadn't seen her since before the pandemic at My Favorite Stripclub [Non-Cover Version], RIP), looked down ... and was, well mildly aghast at what she saw.  She didn't so anything with it after she tucked my thing back in ... but, she said that next time, if I had enough money and if I had protection with me. ...

Not too long ago I texted my thanks to her.  There's to be another party at the place I was at in north Minneapolis two weeks from now.  From what we tried to negotiate, I don't know if I could afford taking her upstairs, if you know what I mean.  However, a blast from the past may be at this party: ****e, whom I swear I blog posted about sucking my you-know-what after flashing her out of the blue might be at this party.  When she did that to me, she didn't ask for any more money than the $20 we were supposed to do, so she might be, let's say, more agreeable to terms that won't permanently damage my wallet.  At any rate, I think I'm back in the saddle again!

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