Saturday, September 7, 2024

Addendum To: So Where Did The Banana Bread Go?

OK, I assume I was wrong when I said it was banana bread, because something that looked like it was in my bag Thursday was put in my bag by Father yesterday/Friday.  It was, I believe, a taro root thing Mother made that Father actually put back in the fridge when, I guess, I laid it on the counter after not eating it at work.  So, even though he packed in a banana as well, I ate that bread/pastry and brought home the banana after a super-long day at work whereby I passed up a house party where I could have gotten double-teamed by *****y and ***e**.

For the record, I got home at around 10, by the way, passed out at 11, and got up at 6:30.  I am going in to work now because my boss asked before my vacation if I could substitute today for Tuesday (when I was still in Las Vegas) so I do not have to officially take time off.  And since I didn't eat the banana late last night, I am bringing it with me today to eat at work.

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