Thursday, February 18, 2016

Well That Was A Fucking Disaster

Just got done with my phone interview and, well, it looks like I'm back on the temp wheel for, well, the rest of my goddamn life.  I don't prepare because I don't know what questions the interviewer might ask me.  I'm just hoping that she has a predisposition to just hiring me on before we start.  That didn't happen, and so I got pantsed, as usual, when I know my answers are not what she wanted to hear.  Specifically she wanted to know what kind of software I was familiar with.  I forgot what I worked with at the flu billing place, and I think I blurted out some bullshit name.  Also she wanted to know whether I had experience taking conference calls, and like an idiot I told her the truth, which was no.  Hey, I thought I was just going to be banging on a computer eight hours a day -- whoever said I had to, like, talk to people besides my co-workers?  Ew!  Should've lied.

Want to know how I knew this didn't go well?  I was told by the interviewer that the interview was going to last 20-30 minutes.  I checked my phone as soon as the call was over -- I was interviewed for only 13.  Waah-waaaah-waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. ...

I'm going to be a temp until the day I die.  Lurching from one job without benefits to another -- that'll be my life, won't it?

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