Thursday, February 11, 2016

The End Of The End Of The End

So I still am not sure that I will be working at my current job beyond Friday.  Yesterday morning, while I was getting creamer for my coffee in the break room, one of the other authority figures (though not my direct authority figure according to the organization chart I drew up in my head) said, "So, they still have you around?"  That was my in to just lay out the situation (at least the way I saw it), to which she replied that she'll talk to the people who are in charge of us.

A little bit later one of my direct authority figures can to my cube.  Thankfully I was actually working at the time.  She asked me what I work I was doing, took half of the envelopes I was working on, and told me, basically, to keep on going but bear down a bit.  Now to me, whenever someone takes my work from me, that's a sign that they're slowing phasing you out of your assignment.  If there's no work for you, there is no reason for you to be there.

Finally, after my two co-workers strolled in for the day, she came back to ask all of us again what we are doing and have been doing.  Tomorrow (which is now today/this morning) she wants to see what papers are physically on our desks.

Obviously, I could be wrong.  But I will freely speculate one thing: She is tying up loose ends as quickly as possible.  In my view, that means I still will lose this job by the end of this week.

Maybe I should've jumped ship for the test scoring project after all.

Updates to come if there are any and if I can stomach it.

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