Friday, October 22, 2010

Bad Driver: 695 DGJ

What I hate most when driving are cars being able to get ahead of me in traffic when I can't.  I'm not a great driver.  I'm OK, I'm passable, I haven't gotten into an accident in years.  But there are a hell of a lot more nimble people in vehicles more agile than mine that, through deft driving and luck, roar up behind me, cut in front of me, and before I could chase him, he's slalomed his way up through the gridlock.  And I'm in the back going, How the fuck did that asshole do that?

That happened tonight from my trip from Robbie Stadium to My Favorite Coffeehouse in Uptown.  It was really busy, and there are only two lanes going each way, and the bus complicated things.  But this black VW somehow zipped past me, and when I tried to copy him, I couldn't because I was timid and, worst of all, I made the wrong choices.  I really hate it when I decide to switch from the lane with all the cars turning left for the one with the bus in front of me, thinking it won't stop, but it does.  And then I decide to switch back because the bus in front of me will stop again but none of the cars on the other lane look to be taking a left, only all those cars stop to wait for oncoming traffic because they are taking lefts, and the bus blows right by me.  It was that kind of drive, and while I made every wrong decision, this asshole made every right one.

I got so pissed off that I ditched my route to see if I could chase him down.  I drove another half-mile past where I planned on going to find him, but he was gone.

Fuck you, Mr. black VW with the license plate 695 DGJ.

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