Wednesday, December 28, 2011


I thought I had my mall job through the end of the year. Then I was told that I didn't. Then my supervisor supervisor scrounged up some work, albeit during the day. I was so incensed that I was owed hours that I decided to work it and risk being found out to be a, gulp, retail worker.

Then today, which I believed to be my last day, I was approached by my supervisor to work New Year's Eve. Sure!

And then, after working out tonight and checking my phone, I was left a voicemail from the mall asking me to come work tomorrow afternoon. Shit.

You see, I planned on working at The Store tomorrow. The days there are numbered, and so I wanted to be there as many times as possible before ... you know. I wanted to go there in the afternoon, after I woke up, and if Father wanted me to take him home, that was fine. I planned on going to storage and picking up some glass bottles to recycle after they left Thursday morning, but that's a problem I can deal with later.

But the person who left me a voicemail wanted me to work eight hours (not including breaks and lunch) tomorrow. So now what? Ditch The Store? Can't do that. Come in in the morning, then go to the mall? Guess I can do that, but shit, I'm so fucking tired! Besides, it'd be kind of useless just to follow Father to The Store, like, an hour after he gets there. So, well, no, I can't work tomorrow. I'll just tell them that tomorrow -- as soon as I wake up, which will probably be in the middle of the shift she wanted me to work.

But then I come home and Father reminds me that Thursday's the day he and Mother are going on vacation, so he wanted me to print out his boarding passes tomorrow -- as soon as possible, which is exactly 24 hours before the flight. That puts it around 5 p.m., right in the middle of my proposed work day, possibly interfering with working at The Store. Whatever happens, though, it means I can't take Father home tomorrow, right?

It's a change of plans, but it also means the choices have been narrowed down for me, which I like. If I can't take him home, it doesn't make a whole lot of sense to work at The Store in the afternoon. So that means I have a tentative plan: Go to The Store in the morning, volunteer to work four hours at the mall, go to a library and print out those passes (because I still don't trust the modem we have at home), go to storage to pick up those glass bottles, then come home for dinner. I wake up early in the morning but after the 'Rents leave to leave the bottles out for recycling.

At least that's the plan right now, at this minute. If I decide I'm too tired, I just might punt the fucking day tomorrow and, I don't know, write some shit.

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