Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Too Good To Be True: Real Car Trouble

I was right; there was more to it than just a tune-up. I woke up at 1:30 because that was the latest could be out the door to get my car, run an errand at work for my parents at The Store, then do some lab work at the U.

As I was walking out, not getting a call from the shop told me one of two things: Either they are too lazy to call me and instead thought they could wait until I just showed up when they said they were going to be done, or there were complications. And by the way, I told the guy before I left this morning that if there were complications he needed to call me.

I saw him working on his computer when I reached his shop. I wasn't going to get away with just a tune-up. Apparently the fuel injector doesn't work either! Sweet!!

I was given a choice: Wait for a used one that wasn't there yet and get the car by noon tomorrow, or get a new one and have the car back this evening. And like a dumbass, my anxiety forced me to ask for the new part. Hey, I have to be at the mall tonight. I'm spending $200 more so I can make $75 tonight!!! Fuckin' A, I should've just called in sick tonight. But shit, my thinking was, I still can't afford a new car. If it's going to be a grand with a used fuel injector, what in the fucking hell is another $200 for a new one, huh? It'll last twice as long, wouldn't it?

Fuck my life. I'm paying four figures that I don't have for a car that I don't trust right now. I compound that buy paying new and needing to get it back right away, like I'm a pussy. Worst of all, I no longer trust this guy I go to, someone I've been only relying on for fluid flushes. This is the first time I've let him work something mechanical in my car because he's been good with the flushes and it's close to home -- and I thought he'd be cheaper. Well, not only is he not cheaper, I have to question whether he's trying to screw me over with this fuel injector or he doesn't know what he's doing. Both conclusions are still possible. At any rate, I'm going to have to reevaluate using this guy from now on. I can't accept this shit.

All I know is that if I'm paying $1200 for new parts, the shaking and vibration and the check engine light had better goddamn be over. In fact, it'd better fucking drive like it did the first time I drove it back in 1994.


This "mistake" fucks up all my plans. I obviously couldn't go to the lab. I wanted to e-mail the guy running me, but because the fucking modem at home is on the goddamn blink again, I had no fucking idea whether the e-mail went through. And this was about 20 minutes before the session was supposed to start. Luckily the Internet came up in time for me to see that I sent it not once, not twice, but three times. And I'm grateful that he was good in postponing it so I could come in some other time.

The errand for my folks is different. I want to show that I care about The Store and that it's still a viable business entity. But with no car, I had to make up a fucking lie. So after not being able to reach Mother, I called Father and told him that the thing I needed to do after helping him out has been cancelled. Thankfully -- or maybe because he was given some muscle relaxer after visiting the doctor's this morning -- he said I could do it tomorrow.

But will Mother understand? I specifically promised her. So now my lie is this: I was driving when I was told the "session" at the U. was cancelled. Then, I felt some shaking in my car. Having time now, I decide to bring the car in for service. That way I can come back whenever the car is ready -- assuming it's fucking ready. Also, it alleviates me needing to lie some more because the day will end with the truth -- that I'm bringing my car into the shop because it needs fixing.

I still feel bad for not helping out my parents when they asked me to. Hopefully this won't fuck things up. This means I'll have to wake up early tomorrow to do this, meaning I will not have any morning where I can sleep in during this mild, rainy, above-average weather we're having early this week. (I'll be able to sleep in Friday, but it'll be 20 then.) Or, they might've just done it themselves, which frees me to sleep in tomorrow, but proves I'm less dependable. Like my car right now.

$1200. ... What the fuck is wrong with me?

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