Monday, November 5, 2012

Just heard that the psycho PR assistant prick who flipped out and threatened to fire became a new father over the weekend.  I'm actually shocked that a woman would allow that fat fuck to insert his penis into her.

This shouldn't bother me as much as it is.  I really shouldn't give a shit.  But what does bother me is hearing all of his friends and co-workers congratulating him, as if he's some great guy.  He could be -- to them.  He wasn't to me.  In no uncertain terms he threatened to take my job from me.  And it feels as if these congratulations are like these people -- people I don't know, granted -- are taking his side.  The guy's an asshole.  Is he going to raise this kid to be a bully just like him?

Man, it's going to take a lot for me to hold my anger in and not cold-cock the son-of-a-bitch in the face if he ever crosses me again.  But I really can't do that.  So I'll try the high road: I hope being a father is going to make the bastard grow up, and see he can't push people around anymore.  Yeah, let's wish for that.

Better that than believing he'll be the same asshole he's always been, with the added excuse that he's really tired from being a new parent.  Fuck that excuse.

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