Saturday, May 3, 2014

Addendum To: So, This One Asshole At Work ...

This little thing would not bother most people, I'm sure of it.  But I am not most people.  For something like this I am glad I am not most people because I refuse to let this bullshit roll of my back like a duck.  I have my principles, and I believe what I believe is right.

I have limited my interactions with him, per my co-workers' suggestions.  He sympathized with my bum foot once while we passed each other in the hallway, but I just continued to walk and stammered out something unintelligible, like "Yeah, I hope to get it fixed some day one day ..."  I also, now that I think about it, remember seeing him be the very first person to open up the boxes of donuts I bought for the whole room.  Has he contributed anything to the room?  I don't think the preening dick has.

I now officially have proof he's nothing but an asshole.  I had to take a head count, where everybody needed to raise his or her hand and I would mark it.  This guy sits at the end of the last row, and he's staring intently at his computer, with his hand half-raised like a limp-wristed little bitch (but I don't mean that in a homophobic way ... I mean, he could be gay, but that's OK, but that doesn't mean he's not an asshole -- he can be totally gay and an asshole).  I gesture all the time while looking at answers, so I'm sure I've raised my hand half-assed because I'm trying to work out what I'm seeing with body language.  He could do the same, so how do I know whether or not he's raising his hand?

This is the last guy in the room I need to count, and I don't know if he wants to be counted, so I stop my verbal count and crouch just to inch closer and see if that raised hand is for me or not.  I guess I entered his peripheral vision, because this little bitch just whined, "Yeeeeeeeeees!"

OK.  Thank you, fucker.

I don't know why this bothers me even now, but it does.  I think some people, especially those within earshot of that juvenile "Yeeeeeeeeeees!" were probably taken aback, like "What the fuck's wrong with him?"  What's wrong with him?  He didn't raise his hand high like everybody else could and did.  If you don't want to be bothered to use your voice while you're concentrating on something so important to you, why don't you summon up more strength to raise that fucking limp wrist of yours?  Un-fucking-believable.

You know what?  These things he does -- not raising his hand yet insisting he is raising his hand, being first to free food like a fly on shit -- these are the signs of a narcissist.  This guy's a narcissistic parasite.  It's all about him -- his way, his time, his prerogative, and fuck the rules he's supposed to follow.  It would be truly offensive except that he's just a drone.  And, from what I hear, a drone who's struggling.  Oh, and he's an ugly-looking drone with a hump and limp.

I am done with this guy.  I can't work with this guy, and I won't work with this guy.  Still can't believe this shit-stirrer is welcomed back year after year.

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