Thursday, May 8, 2014

Allergies 2014

They said that this year, because of the delayed start of spring due to the polar vortex, allergies will out with a vengeance.  Oh my God, they were right.  They came out in a bad way today.

I felt it this morning, but then as soon as I started working, the coughing, nasal drip and constant blowing of the nose overwhelmed me.  Pretty soon I was feeling tired and hurt.  After work I tried taking a nap at the local shopping mall, and if I didn't wake up ten minutes after I started I probably would have been able to conk off.

Right now, after shutting my body down after dinner, my nose is still quite stuffy, but ever since I took a shower (much needed to deal with the wart on my ass) I feel less stuffy.  That is tied with the inflammation I feel in my joints, especially my knees, for worst problems I feel right now.

Thank Buddha that My Fucking Father isn't here.  He would have invaded my bedroom and opened up my window.  He thinks I need fresh air.  It's not fresh air, it's super-pollinated air that is only going to make me feel worse.  He does this every single fucking time, the stupid asshole.  At least Mother leaves me alone; the window has remained closed, as have the blinds.  I have turned the heat up just now to counteract the chills I feel, but if that brings in outside air, I'll turn it off and just deal.


Oh, by the way ... first big test for over-the-counter Nasacort.  So far, big fail.  Totally not like Nasonex, at least not as far as I can remember.  That Nasonex plugged up my nose all well and good.  Then again, if this allergy season is once-in-a-lifetime, maybe even Nasonex wouldn't have helped.  Fair point.


Allergies put me in a very bad mood.  My co-worker who sits next to me is kind of a chatterbox and talks aloud a lot, but with my compromised state I felt myself being shorter and shorter towards him.  Can't do that; I need him for his opinions on things.

I think my attitude translated all day to the people I dealt with.  There was one person who was just unloading on me after I returned papers that further confused him.  Look, he really is a nice guy, and when he says that he likes me (and just not my boss), I think he's sincere.  But I didn't really want to hear this guy bitch, especially when the bitching seemed to be sparked by me bringing papers back on a question is testing me.  At this point, I really think that his issues with my boss are a two-way street, so I was so glad that he stopped his spiel, something I couldn't really answer to.  That unloading seemed unfair to me as well.

But worse than my attitude may be their attitude towards me.  There was a lot of sniffling, sneezing and coughing, but I think I was the worst of all of them.  Doesn't help that I'm so visible.  Could it have been so annoying that they would note that in their evaluation of me when this is all over?  I wouldn't put it past them.  Shit!

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