Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Fucked-Up Washer, Fucked-Up Dryer

OK, the dryer hasn't completely dried clothes for some time, and recently the washer has been unable to wash clothes if I put in a full load.  Both things came together to really piss me off Sunday night/Monday morning.

I had tried putting in a big load of clothes after a previous big load surprised me when I took the clothes out of the washer and felt that some of them hadn't even gotten wet.  Some of the clothes, in fact, I put back in to get them washed again ... and it still didn't get wet.  This was Sunday night, around the time the Patriots were beating the shit out of the Colts, so I thought my time was better spent stopping the washer, mixing up the clothes so that all of them would sink below what I thought was the real level of water pouring into the machine, then starting again.  I restarted it, oh, four times over the course of ten minutes before letting it run its course.

After watching Galavant and the game, I saw that it was just finishing its cycle.  I opened the lid ... and still there were clothes that weren't completely wet.  I don't know what the fuck is going on.  I really don't know how a washing machine works.  But I thought rearranging the clothes and restarting the cycle would ensure all of the clothes would get wet, and that certainly isn't the case.  Which means there's something very, very wrong with the washing machine.

Oh, and don't get me started on the dryer.  I've known for a long time that big loads don't dry properly.  I just let them sit in there for a couple days to dry on its own.  It was just that I was so frazzled from dealing with the washer, and wanting to gather up my clothes so that My Fucking Father doesn't bring them into Grandmother's bedroom himself, that I internally yelled "Fuck!" when I grabbed wet clothes.

So clothes that should be wet weren't, and clothes that should be dry weren't.  You get that?

I was told by My Fucking Father not to load too many clothes at once.  This was after another time when he scolded me for washing and drying only a few clothes at a time.  Make up your goddamn mind.  In the meantime, however, he is "right."  So for time being, until My Fucking Father gets off his ass and either fixes or replaces both machines, I'm just going to drag out the loads -- just a few articles here and there, a more palatable level for these two woebegone machines to handle.  Just so I don't have to rest the washed clothes (or what I think are washed clothes) on the vent, like I'm doing now.

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