Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Oh, Fuck, Friday Really Is My Last Day At Work. For Reals, Guys

How do I know?  One of my boss' employees, a rather cantankerous woman who's pretty charming once she lets her guard down (man, things would go a lot smoother if you don't put up an antisocial wall -- mental note: I need to remember that, too), told me after she gave me some work, "Man, I could use you another week."

That was on the heels of her talking to her (and my) boss, both of whom came over to oversee where we were in the project.  I overheard him saying, "Get him started on the big one."  Which means get him started on the big check so that he can work on as much of it ... until he's gone Friday.

I forgot one big thing about the end of this week: It's also the end of the month.  That's a perfect time to sew things up and move on.  It is also, I realize now, just around the time my former boss, the person who used to stand between me and the person who currently is my boss, was fired.  They always remove temps at the end of the month, why do I keep forgetting?!

And honestly, this sucks.  I really think I am less prepared for it now than I was when I was bitching about in weeks before.  I'm not ready.  The temp agency hasn't called me about any new jobs.  And frankly, right now, I kind of want to stay.  But from the over hints I'm getting from her, this definitely will be it.

And I'm scared.  And I'm still overwhelmed.  I'll leave a bunch of stuff left to be done, and I have recently generated a bunch of new papers that need to be thrown into packets.  That stuff alone could take a week.  But I don't have a week.  I have this week.  Then what the hell am I supposed to do?

I was so nervous and scared of losing my job that I just masturbated.  Of to work I go with sticky hands.

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