Sunday, April 15, 2018

Addendum To: It's Snowing. It's April 14 And It's Fucking Snowing.

I'm done.  I'm fucking done.

Went outside this morning and we got, according to my yardstick, 12 1/2 inches of snow.  Most I can remember.

It's plowed, all of it; thank Buddha that the snowblower works.  But we're supposed to get another three-to-six inches today.  That's bad enough in and of itself.  But on top of the foot we already have?!  Fuck that shit.  Really, I'm over all of this.  Last night I looked up places to vacation.  I don't need warm places; I'm thinking of going to Denver and then back to St. Louis.  But anywhere besides fucking here, and I don't care if I'm going in the summer, when there's no snow falling here, MAYBE!


It helped tremendously that Father plowed nearly the entire driveway.  It helps to delegate things and not need to keep track of everything.  However, at least for me, when other people are assisting on a task, I forget things because if I'm not the only person taking care of it, I think as though other people are taking care of those things that actually are my responsibility -- those things I forgot.

I finished plowing the snow.  Father offered me a broom to sweep down the plow, but then set it against the house instead of handing it to me.  Pissed (that's passive-aggressive crap he always pulls), I take several minutes to brush the snowblower down, then a couple more minute to shovel the snow the blower didn't blow onto the yards.  And then, tired and sleepy, I went inside.

Before I went from the backyard back to the frontyard (Father told me to sweep away the back deck while he plowed the driveway, Mother wanted lemons from the local grocery store.  I didn't think anything of it after she asked that question.  She idly asks questions like that.  Anyway, I was back in my room, done (at least for now), when I heard Mother ask Father if he thought the roads were passable.  He said it was; she asked him to get lemons.  He went outside.

"Hey, the garage door is still open," Father told Mother.

Shit.  I forgot.

I apologized to him while he was walking to the minivan.  He looked my way, then looked back.  He didn't accept it.

Am I going to catch shit for this?  Maybe.  I should have remembered to close the garage door, but sheesh, it's snowing outside and I'm tired and it's been kind of hectic, you know?

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