Sunday, April 29, 2018

The Thing About Deplorables/Republicans

Last/Saturday night was the White House Correspondents Dinner, and our dumbfuck President held a rally in Michigan because he needed zombies to kiss his ass so he would feel better about himself.  So I want to write this because it's been percolating in my mind for awhile, even though I don't think my thoughts on it are fully formed.  Really, though, trying to suss out just what the fuck happened in 2016 that led our country to ... this is something I won't ever completely understand, and I'm sure people whose jobs it is is to understand what happened will fail just as miserably.  So even though this is just about a part of What Happened, I will say this anyway.

I have heard that some people think Donald Trump has been an utter failure.  Well, he is in many ways, but I believe that the Republicans don't care because they needed a mouth-breather to rubber-stamp all the hateful, dreadful, racist, sexist, classist ideas they have successfully put into law in order to please the cis rich white men that give them money.  What these people say is that we should be lucky that Donald Trump isn't more of an astute politician, such as, uh, Mike Pence or, ick, Dick Cheney.  The thinking goes is that the Republicans would be able to slide anti-democratic policies past the American public so much easier if the loud, vile verbal diarrhea coming out of Trump's mouth right now was hidden under a patina of professional, political cool.  People would be nodding their heads, and even smiling, while swallowing this Republican poison.

I'm not sure that's the case.  It might appear at first glance that this is an argument of substance over style, but my argument is is that to these dumbshits, the style is the substance.  Being loud and vile and openly misogynistic and anti-Semitic is what they want to be.  It is becoming apparent to me, shocked though that I am, that there are a lot of racist assholes living in this country.  And it's not enough just for someone who enacts laws that hurt non-white males.  In fact, it's not enough to these pricks that our President hates non-white males as much as they do.  It is extremely important to these prairie goons that our President says he hates non-white males as much as they do.  These deplorables don't want to hide their hate.  They want the freedom to spew their bigoted shit and not get called out for it.  Fuck, they want to be applauded for it.  They want to scream this garbage and have other deplorables say it back to them so they know they're not alone in this cruel world.  That, in my opinion, is much of the reason why they voted for Trump: He is explicitly, and obviously, a man that is just like them, despite the fact that he, in so many ways, is not like them.

There is a scary subset of subhumans who will run into war with rubber spoons if Donald Trump tells them there are Muslims invading.  The vicious combination of anger and openness is the one thing that animates and turns on these people.  And so they won't like someone who plays it cool, even if that Republican guy (and it always has to be a guy) will sign bills that make non-cis, non-white, non-males just as oppressed as they appear to be now, from a hegemonic standpoint, under this Shitler as prez.  It may be the case that this hypothetical Republican figure would make it easier to get such putrid laws passed.  But putting aside my grander belief that Donald Trump pretty much represents Republicans and Republicanism, I don't think having someone from the same party will automatically keep these non-housebroken voters in a frenzied lockstep to vote Republican.  If they get someone who couches his lying crap in euphemism and deft word-twisting and shit-eating grins, they'll just get confused, and they'll probably believe that such a candidate is a librul.  No, they need a drunken, probably demented asshole who has no filter and opens his fat, disgusting mouth to unload whatever crazy, debasing bullshit that comes out of his shit mouth.  There are Americans Living Among Us who hear Donald Trump and go, "FUCK YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" and then head to the polls to vote for him and douchebags like him.

There are legitimate worries about the future of our democratic processes: Gerrymandering, voter suppression, Russian influence.  But who I'm most afraid of are these people, these deplorable Republican sheep who will believe anything some crackpot says so long as he also says things that make them feel good about the people they hate.  These brainwashed psychos scare the living shit out of me.

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