Thursday, April 19, 2018

I'm Moving (To A Different Cubicle, Dammit)

Bomb dropped on me when I returned from my car for lunch yesterday/Wednesday afternoon: They are moving me from my current cubicle to a new one.  My boss has told me for the past few weeks that they have been looking at moving me, a thought that I believe has accelerated since my responsibilities have shifted from helping work claims to, well, opening mail.  I actually have been working from this new space for part of each of the last two days to open and sort the mail that's been coming in.  It is closer to the rest of the team I will be working with/for, and it is slightly closer to my boss's cube.

The big upgrade to this new cubicle, from my standpoint, is it's bigger.  Well, there's another thing: My old cube still has some detritus from before I moved in, namely a bunch of monitors and monitor stands that were shunted off to the side so I could work.  They've been there since I started this job, and it's gotten to the point where I no longer notice them.  Heck, I just remembered these old monitors while just writing this paragraph.  Those mons, I assume, will stay right where they are.

Unfortunately that's the only upgrade to moving.  Now, let's count the downgrades.  My current/old cube has high walls to keep me secure.  There are no such walls at this new place.  My current/old cube is well away from my boss and everyone I have worked and will work with and/or for.  When I started this position they just needed a place to put me in, and so they shoved me into an area on the floor in a completely different department.  (That probably explains the pile of monitors and monitor stands.)  My boss and anyone else who wants to speak with me has to travel half the floor and into a different department to speak with me.  Frankly, that's awesome.  It makes me feel special, and it's just my personality to be as far away from the people I'm in the same department with.

But the most important downgrade is a more straightforward type of lack of privacy different from the proximal one I just outlined.  This new cubicle is along a well-traveled area on the floor.  My current/old cube is tucked away at a relatively secluded area of the floor.  Besides the guy who has to walk past my opening to get from or to his space right next to the window (and BTW I can't recall what he looks like and in fact I'm not even sure I've ever seen his face, tbh), there is no one else who would ever need to cross my cubicle unless they want to come talk to me.  (Although that didn't stop my boss from catching me on Facebook yesterday, however.  I wonder if her catching me online contributed to her having me change workspaces.)  But in this new place everybody will come across my cubicle to get all up in my business.  I will not be able to hide at all, and that really, really blows.

Look, I'm not really paranoid about this change.  Honest!  I understand that my boss wants me working closer with the rest of the team, and she has told me about this for a few weeks now.  I'm just saying it sucks.  I don't like moving all my stuff, I fear change, and I outlined all the things I'll lose come next week.  But if I can get one of those Vari-Desk things, a monitor that I can move up or down so I can stand while working, I can tolerate it.

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