Monday, April 22, 2019

The Second Shift

For this week, I am filling in for this person in the second department I trained for, again.  This time, however, my hours are two hours later than I had when I first subbed for her -- 3:30 till midnight instead of 1:30 until 10.  She starts at 3:30 (which, by the way, is the time I usual end my shift) and always has.  So if I had filled in for her before, why didn't I just start at 3:30?  Now I understand why everyone looked at me strange when I came in at 1:30 those weeks I substituted for her.

Once again I am torn.  On the one hand, I remember that guy going nuts when I was trying to look for that file that I couldn't find.  It was in this department and late in the day, so the conditions are perfect for this crap to happen again.  However, I will be surrounded by people for, at most, the first half of my shift.  There is one person who likely will be working in the evening with me.  But there is a very good chance I will have the run of the place, on my own, for several hours.  I can do whatever I want, especially with these "new" hours where I can't believe anybody would even interact with me after 10, or maybe even after 8.  If I am able to do my tasks at work, I will be free to do other things -- such as, especially, catching up on my receipts.  I have yet to reconcile March in my day planner, for starters.

It'll be weird to be at work till midnight.  I'm not sure there's even a reason.  But I am supposed to be there until then.  I'll hopefully make the most of it, and I'll hope nothing untoward happens, both tonight and for the rest of the week.  Wish me luck.

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