Thursday, April 25, 2019

To The Teenage, Privileged, Punk-Ass Virginia Thief (Getting This Off My Chest):

Takes a lot of balls to barge into the dining tent and take water bottles.  What made you think you could do that?  Was there a sign that says "FREE WATER?"  I know there wasn't.  And it sure as shit didn't look like you were working for us.

Why did you take water bottles from us?  Were you parched?  Were you going to die of thirst if you or your buddies or your family didn't get water immediately?  Your smirk while you were stealing water from us and then casually walking out the door made me think you weren't on your last legs, buddy boy.

The only reasons I didn't stop you were: 1) I was on my phone; 2) I didn't think anyone would have the balls, let alone the impropriety of taking things that were not theirs, to walk into a place you're not allowed; and 3) the catering company had bags and bags of water, and you taking several was not going to bankrupt them.  That still gives you no goddamn right to do what you did.  Those were not your bottles of water to take.

But the most galling thing of all?  You didn't even flip the cooler lid down.  You put it up, took the water ... and left it up.  You didn't have the fucking decency just to put it down, asshole?  Why not?  You wanted to show me up?  Were you being a troll?  Were you making a political statement?  Were you trying to stick it to The Man?  Because, to me, looking at the slick Virginia jacket you were wearing (after your team won the title game, by the way) and how you were acting, you're a Republican little shit who thinks taking things from people is his birthright, no matter how illegal what you did is (and yes, what you did is illegal even if I didn't stop you).  Stephen Miller is probably your spirit animal.

Next time you're probably going to steal something of real value, and that's when I, or someone with a much worse temper, will have to stop you by any means necessary.  Bitch.

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