Saturday, August 22, 2020

A Parking Ticket? Haven't Gotten One In A Long Time

So I went to Centro, a highly-regarded taco place.  I wanted to go there because the Little Blue Food Truck, which I have been following all summer, was at Indeed, which was the next building over, and shoot, I might as well eat at Centro, see if I can eat something at the truck, then pick up a crowler of a beer even though I had never been to Indeed.  I wanted to do all of those things even though it took a lot longer to get my hair cut from my stripper girlfriend (that's a blog post in and of itself), I was still determined to do so.  And it was all good, even though I paid for it last night.

Well, I sort-of am paying for it now.  Some in the row of cars I parked with got tickets on their windshields, and dammit, that included mine.  Then I took a second look at the parking sign.  I thought the arrow underneath the "P" circled and crossed out told me that the driveway I was close to when I parked was not allowed.  I needed to realize what that arrow, which was pointing in both directions, actually means.  Yeah, I wasn't supposed to park there -- even though the truck I parked behind was also parked there!  I really need to do a better job at looking at things and think through what they mean.

Yeah, I'm bummed that I got a parking ticket.  Don't remember the last time I got one.  Was it while on vacation?  Frankly, I think by the time I got back to my car I was too buzzed by the margarita I had to care about a ticket.  Also, I was so damn determined to eat and drink at these three complexes that I was going to "take all consequences" in order to do so.  Plus, this was my first time around there.  Finally, I have enough money to pay for the ticket.

But now I know.  Next time I go to Centro & Indeed (the food truck is on its way to new adventures), I'll know where I can and cannot park.  And I think I'm going back this weekend.  Just to prove to myself I can park there without getting a ticket, you know?

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