Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Addendum To: That Asshole/Motherfucker Is Gonna Win Again, Isn't He?

Yesterday, the last day of early voting, I was driving home and saw a line of people on the way to City Hall.  Cars were parked along the street outside the building.  I'll be honest: At first I was heartened to see democracy in action, but then I feared that all those people lining up are voting for Trump, that that son-of-a-bitch is getting as much enthusiasm from his zombie ass-kissers as Biden is getting support from correct-minded Americans.

Today, on the way home, I passed the church at the end of the street.  That has been, since I can remember, my voting precinct on elections where we pick the president.  It was busy, but not packed to the gills like City Hall the day before.  Maybe so many voters wanted to beat the rush on Election Day (and avoid getting COVID-19) that they made a rush the day before Election Day.  And that brings me back to a point I made, and feared is going to happen: There really isn't a huge swell of new voters that is intent on ousting Trump and Republicans.  Everybody who planned on voting for Biden did so early, and those voting for Trump is doing so now, and who knows where we will end up.

These past four years and tonight alienates me from my community.  There are a bunch of My Fellow Americans who are fanboys and fangirls for fascism.  And they will leap off a cliff for Trump if he tells them to, no matter what facts you throw their way.  Like Jordan Weissman perfectly stated on his Election Morning treatise on Slate:

It is also pure lunacy that after four years of family separations, tax cuts for the rich, transparent corruption, and deadly ineptitude, more than 4 in 10 Americans are apparently ready for another round of Trump.

Reuters yesterday published a story about how politics (well, Trump) has torn families apart.  Siblings aren't speaking to each other, parents are disowning children, and children are disowning parents.  The piece is balanced, with five Trump voters and five Democrats talking about how their families have been torn asunder.  But while I sympathize with the Democrats, fuck the Trump Humpers.  They have decided to give their loyalty and their lives to a lazy, narcissistic, racist con man who has failed in everything he has done except trick people into thinking he's a winner.  We smart people saw this asshole how he is four years ago.  You should have cut people out of their lives if they voted for Trump then.  And if they're still with Trump now?  Fuck 'em all.  Seriously, you're better off without them.

But that doesn't mean those zombies can't pull another trick out of their asses and vote for him en masse.  Like I said, I think we outnumber them.  I hope that majority exercises their right to vote, roars at the ballot box and sends Trump and his minions whimpering to their hovels.  But if it's close, or even if it's not a blowout, the evil, toxic latticework Republicans have built to maintain minority power will whirr to life.  Voter suppression, judges in the tank for Republicans and oligarchs, voter intimidation by Republican terrorists packing guns -- they could all rise up and disenfranchise Democratic votes.  And if they try hard enough and long enough, and if we don't ... well. ...

Like I said earlier today, Republicans can only win tonight by cheating.  Still, there is a genuine groundswell of support from Our Fellow Americans for this do-nothing know-nothing, and they would spill blood for him.  How many of them walk around me, work with me, know me?  And how many of them lined up the past two days to vote for dictatorship?  Will it be enough for them?

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