Monday, November 30, 2020

Yeah, That Guy's Gonna Be Pissed

So, in that one department at work I had this guy passive-aggressively critique my work because I screwed up when I was filling in the shift before?  Well, it's going to happen again.

Yesterday/Sunday, I got a text from my boss, who does not work Sundays.  There is one person in ... this department, and she left work very early because she felt sick.  So, he asked me to step in to do one certain part/station of her job for the day for an hour, then do my usual role for Sundays (well, it's only for four hours, and I'm working Sundays because the person who had that shift/position quit), then once I'm done, go back and see if there is any more work in that particular station/part.  I was by no means working a full day, but my boss allowed for some leeway.  This particular part/station had work that needed to be done because it would eventually be given to other people in the department next door.  I needed to keep the assembly line moving, basically.

So, instead of my usual duties, I started my half-day in this department, then after I got done with my four hours, I looped back there to see if there was more work that had to be pushed through.  This certain station/part consisted of forms and folders that needed to be found and given to this department next door.  And for the life of me, not only was there a shit ton of work to find these things (moreso than I could ever remember doing in, in aggregate, two hours of work there), I cannot remember not being able to find so many of these goddamn things.  I looked in the filing cabinets and the folders that were piling up (because they were in another station/part, I was not supposed to put them back where they belong), but I repeatedly could not find these things.  In a situation like that, I am supposed to write something to the effect of, "I don't know where the fuck this is," then just give what I found to them.

I can totally believe, and fear, that this guy who passive-aggressively critiqued my work is going to either catch wind of all these forms and folders I couldn't find or find out that I couldn't, and ... well, judge me.  You know, here's a situation: I bought chocolates for the departments I work in.  I have a box that I'm going to be giving to these guys, but I know this guy doesn't eat chocolate.  But I can't just eat this box of chocolate by myself.  No, I'm going to give it to these people, and that's when he'll judge me -- or, worse, call me out for not finding these things, calling me lazy and shit.  Hey, this department is not my favorite.  But goddammit, I couldn't find these things, and at some point I had to go do the job I am supposed to do on Sundays.  I just ... (sigh) I hate this particular job, but I want to be over thinking about what this guy thinks of me and my work.  If he thinks he's so fucking good, he should just keep his fucking opinions to himself and do it himself, OK?

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