Tuesday, November 3, 2020

That Asshole/Motherfucker Is Gonna Win Again, Isn't He?

OK, I'm being a pessimist.  But now I think that asshole is gonna win again.

All the early voting and early mail-in voting, which is skewing Democratic?  I think it's shifting all the Democratic votes that would have otherwise voted on Election Day.  The crush of stupid Republicans voting is happened over the weekend, is happening now, and will roll in today.  I'm afraid there is no blue wave.

Haven't heard much about Russian interference, even though The Media is telling me it's still happening.  I think, however, Trump and his evil henchmen have gotten so good at brainwashing -- and has amassed so much money -- that they've taken the disinformation campaign in-house ... which, it has to be unfortunately said, is quite legal.

Voter suppression now seems to be the Republicans' weapon of choice for 2020.  Some Republican judge said that all Minnesota ballots mailed in have to be received by some point today.  The Minnesota Secretary of State thought he had a deal whereby all ballots postmarked by today would be counted so long as they were received by a week from now.  The judge just changed the rules and fucked over democracy.  So there could be a lot of Democratic votes that this judge, with the help of the slowdown by the United States Postal Service and the latticework of the Republican seeding the judicial branch with lizard brain people (up to and including the Supreme Court), will get thrown out.  Oh, and the Department Of Justice is sending out election monitors to the state.  Like Minnesota's a fledgling democracy.  Take that bullshit somewhere else.  Besides, it's illegal for monitors to come unless they're permitted to.

And finally we'll have to deal with The True Enemies Among Us, Our Fellow Americans who have free will and a vote, and will decide (like they decided four years ago) that they are fully content with forever giving up their right to vote in the future -- or at least giving up all the freedoms they and their fellow Americans enjoy in a democracy.  There is a strange, scary cult that has been built up around Trump (and, by the way, includes Republicans too; if they're willing to ride his lizard brain to entrenched minority power, they are one and the same), and they are willing to go to the ends of the earth to protect him.  It's scary enough that he has so many bullies willing to suck his dick; what I need to know now are 1) are there more people who are willing to be his sheep, as I hear there are, and 2) are there enough people who are going to stand up and resist him, and them, and All This?

Russian interference, voter suppression, election monitors/voter intimidation, stupid people, activist Republican judges, the Electoral College, Republicans claiming or holding onto power in the Senate and state governments -- Republicans, and the rich oligarchs who supply them, have set up a terrifying scaffolding that undergirds and upholds the current state of American apartheid.  There are so many sources of power -- horcruxes, if you will -- that need to be torn down that it's absolutely terrifying to see this whole thing is currently working against the correct-minded of us.  Today is our one shot.  I don't know how good that shot is, though, considering how much power Republicans have already entrenched.  People have the power, sure.  But so many things have to go right in order for The Resistance to succeed and start Making America Truly Great Again.

But if Trump and the Republicans win ... it's game over, man, for America and democracy.

That motherfucker's gonna win again, isn't he?

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