Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Passive-Aggressive Much? Maybe?

OK, so for a certain part of data entry, a few of my co-workers have this ... uh, one final check of the folders that contain forms that contain the information we enter into the system.  If a date is missing, or if the name of the donor looks illegible, one of us will flag it.  It is then the job of these people to make a decision on whether the date is the 22nd or the 27th, or if that is a last name and not just a last initial, and there might be more things that need to be done down the line.

Anyway, there are at least two, usually three, and rarely four people who do this.  The folders are put in a rack of folders of alternating colors.  What usually happens, with three people, is that the one in the middle of the three does an initial check and then hands it off to the person to her left or right depending on the color.

I was helping scan yesterday just so everybody had stuff to key.  The rack was empty.  Before I put this just-scanned folder into the rack, and just because, I moved the front-most folder to the back.  That means that a different color was in the front, meaning that the person, either on the right or the left, who would get that folder and any subsequent folder that is placed first in the rack would be different from the one who had gotten all throughout the day.  It wouldn't make sense if folders come in one-by-one because then the same person would be getting it all day, you know what I mean?

So anyway, more folders come in -- not a lot, maybe a few small ones.  I go back to the rack, which is empty again.  I swear that the folder I switched to the back and was put back in the front.  I remember moving one color to the back, and that color was back in the front.

The person in the middle ... well, I've spoken about her before.  She helps, but is sometimes overbearing, and she has an attitude sometimes.  Sometimes people complain about her work, too.  I suspect she was the one who moved back the folder I put behind all the others.  She probably thought it was not my business to do that -- which, technically, is true, but people move folders in the back all the time, usually when there are a bunch of folders and these people have gone through the folders in the front and they put those empty folders in the back so the folders with folders would be in the front, you know what I mean?  I just don't get what the big deal is.  I moved a folder for variety's sake.  Why the passive-aggressiveness?

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