Monday, January 18, 2021

This Is An Inside Job

Those traitors that trashed the U. S. Capitol in the hopes of capturing and executing members of Congress?  Well, there is now word that Trump is going to spurt out one final flurry of pardons, clemencies and commutations tomorrow.  It looks like it's going to be comprehensive, blanket pardons for his inner circle, i.e. his family and his most loyal ass-kissers, which is bullshit.  But I am going to go out on a limb and believe that he'll do the same for the people who, in his name, stormed the Capitol and committed sedition.

It serves those idiot cocksuckers right, believing their god-king actually gives two flying fucks about them.  As always, Donald Trump does anything only for his wallet, his ego, or his penis.  But he isn't the only person openly flouting democracy.  Republicans sided up to him and tolerate the crazy fucking people he controls like the Wicked Witch of the West does those flying monkeys because he gave them the power to pull off tax cuts and to seed the judiciary with Republicans that are a slightly different type of crazy.  But, those Republican judges are still "united" with these Trump-humpers, and my fear is they will get these insurrectionists off with light sentences once they appear in their courts.  That's the real reason I'm scared these people won't be brought to justice, or at least to the fullest extent of the law.

The scaffolding of dictatorship and violence has already been erected.  Anybody committing treason will be pardoned or excused by those in power who support them.  And those traitors themselves are a part of this autocratic architecture: More than several people who vandalized the Capitol and murdered a security officer were cops themselves.  And now comes word that members of the National Guard are being vetted before Wednesday's inauguration for fear that some of them are traitors themselves.  Great.  And that's on top of ample evidence that members of Congress themselves were trying to help those seditionists find Pence and Pelosi from the inside.  My fucking God, they're with them.

They're all with them.

Judases in our midst.  Hiding in plain sight.

My God.

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