Wednesday, January 20, 2021

We All Knew. The Correct-Minded People Of This Country Knew.

Blog posting this on the eve of kicking out Donald Trump.

I remember a little over four years ago, after Trump cheated to take the presidency.  There were a couple of people I know -- they were from high school and I reconnected with them through Facebook -- who didn't see that big of a deal over how much some of us believed he would be a fucking disaster.  It basically boiled down to a warning that may forever trigger me: "Why don't we just give him a chance?"

This is an incontrovertible fact: Donald Trump is a failure.  Corrupt, cruel, incompetent, selfish, mean, violent, and traitorous.  Being The Worst President In American History is something probably best left to historians, but I think so, and he definitely is the worst in my lifetime.  And jail is too good for him.  Good fucking riddance once 11 o'clock rolls around, and if there is a God, justice upon Donald Trump will come -- soon after, swiftly, and utterly.

This is also an incontrovertible fact: People knew he was a fuck-up.  We knew we should not give him a chance to see if he would be a good president.  Because ever since he flapped his gums about Barack Obama being born in Kenya, I and we knew he was a dirty asshole.  Every rude comment and utterance that if it were coming from a parent would make you think he or she had early onset dementia -- people didn't see that?!  People didn't see that he didn't give two shits about helping the country, and that he was the talisman for a growing and dangerous group of Our Fellow Americans who want to take their sacred right to vote and toss it in the trash so they could anoint a dictator for life just because he's White?

There are people who, on his way out, are shocked, shocked I tell you, that Donald Trump wasn't what they hoped he would be.  These people are not as bad as those who would willingly fellate him if they saw him on the street (and there are many -- some of them are Facebook friends!), but it's close.  We are not in a period of time where we can suffer fools lightly.  We are in the middle of a pandemic.  The economy is in the shitter.  And there are white supremacists who want to start a race war to get Trump back in the White House.  These people who wanted to give Trump a chance remain too Pollyanna-ish to be of any use in our current reality.

We all knew.  The correct-minded people of this country knew that Trump would leave the United States worse than when he stole it.  Saying this isn't flexing.  What we knew doesn't make us smart, not in the least.  We were just paying attention.  And these oblivious folks had better fucking start doing this same.

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