Friday, January 1, 2021

Hey, Mother, How Do You Like My Closet?

So my brother and niece came over this afternoon, for two reasons.  The main reason, or so I thought, was for my parents (well, actually Mother) to play with my niece.  But besides playing bingo and bowling over water bottles, she was more concerned with the new laptop my brother sent to the house.  My mom got it a few days ago, my brother told her to charge it up, and when he came over, he set up ... everything my mom wanted him to set up.  Eventually that took over Mother's attention, and so I was the one tasked with playing with my niece.  And that was hard.  I love her, but three hours felt like 30.

We played a quick game of hide-and-seek.  I hid first.  I went into my room to hide; I slipped behind my bed, the side away from the door, ostensibly because I wanted to scroll through my phone.  My bedroom was the first place my niece went into, but she did not even peer around the bed.  Eventually she gave up, whereby I just walked out and told her where I hid.  I'm surprised she didn't find me.

But let me fill in the donut hole.  After going into the room the first time and then walking around to other rooms, my niece enlisted the help of Mother, who, for the first time I can remember, walked into my bedroom.  She did not look behind the bed either.  Instead, I think she asked my niece, "Could he be in the closet?  Why don't you open it?"  To which my niece replied, "Can you open it?" at which point Mother did.  Oh, shit.  My Mother and my niece didn't see me ... but they did see all the clothes I've piled up and don't use, they did see the bags of pamphlets and brochures I've accrued from Twin Cities Auto Shows over the years, and they did see my cum towel.  Maybe, they even smelled it.

I can totally see Mother telling My Father, "WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  You should see all the clothes in his closet!  And all the papers, too!  And the towel!  My God, it smells so bad!"  And then Father will either confront me about it, or just rummage through my closet and tell me to throw some of that stuff away ... and, my goodness, he might even wash the towel, too.  Fuck me.

Maybe she won't rat me out.  But maybe she will.

Goddammit, why did my niece want to fucking play hide-and-seek?

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