Monday, January 25, 2021

I Hate Grapefruit Juice!

I need to state that here because I have, on occasion, bought it, even though the bitter/rancid taste is seared indelibly in my mind.  I now buy juice on the regular in case I am thirsty at night.  I bounce around flavors and brands, but about a week ago I wanted to drink healthy.  Have you noticed that all fruit juices have a high amount of sugar?  It's incredible!  And I have not been able to find one that doesn't have tons of it in the carton or bottle.

So, if I recall how my thinking went, I took a crack on searching "healthiest fruit juices" on Google.  I don't remember clearly the list on the link I selected, but I think, when I was staring at the refrigerated shelves at Target, I thought that grapefruit juice was one of the top choices.  (Here is the list: Grapefruit juice comes in at #9.)  So I bought it, totally forgetting why I hate it.

So I made a point of drinking as much of it as fast as possible.  That is difficult, given how terrible it tastes.  But I drank it all up yesterday, and in anticipation of doing so, I stopped by Target on my way home to buy something I would enjoy drinking -- well, at least I think: Pineapple, orange and banana.  That's a Frankenstein fruit concoction, but I like eating those fruits separately, so maybe they won't be so bad together.  Drinking that hopefully removes the taste of bleepin' grapefruit from my mouth.  My goodness, I will never drink grapefruit juice again, no matter how healthy it is.

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