Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Addendum To: A Blessing In Disguise, But My Penis Does Not Think So

Yeah, about going still doing the risky business of seeing strippers for sexytime stuff (forget about the risk of, you know, getting venereal diseases and stuff) ... the more I think about it, the more I'm scared about doing it.  I said in a previous blog post that I just can't help trying to get fucked.  But ... well, not like I have friends who have gotten it, but this girl who posed in Playboy while she was in college -- have I blogged about her before? -- anyway, she said on Facebook that she and some of her kids got it.  Even though my circle of family and friends has remained largely COVID-19-free, knowing that a Facebook friend has it has shook me.

What would help a lot is some direction from the state stating goals and timelines on vaccine rollout for the general public.  I have heard that after they vaccinate doctors and nurses in hospitals and the elderly in long-term care homes, one of the priority groups are people 75 and over.  That includes Father.  The goal is to get those people vaccinated this month.  I heard that another goal is to have a website up whereby people know when and where to get their shots.  I haven't seen it yet.  But if I do, if I know that these vaccinations are reaching into the community and that there is a plan, that light at the end of the tunnel gets closer.  I would be able to see that eventually it'll get to me -- or, if I'm really hunting for stink, my parents will eventually get inoculated against the coronavirus, so I won't have to worry about giving them the virus as I traipse around my stripper girlfriends.  Then I could feel better about refraining from getting my fuck on because I would feel as though I could wait.

Right now, though, I can't, although the need to refrain from any sexual activity is strong with me now.  Like I said before, I would feel horrible if a vaccine were coming, but it would be too late for my folks because I gave them the virus before they got their shots.  I have my Friday afternoons free for the time being, plus I promised at least one woman I'd "cum" over and fuck her.  I would like to get my rocks off at least once over the winter, and I don't want to go back on my word, but ... wouldn't it be worth it to hold off for, what, one month?  Or two?  Maybe more ... ?

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