Saturday, January 9, 2021

Thoughts On Election Day, Part 4 (And Final)

I have taken so long doling out my thoughts that, especially with the fucking coup attempt on Wednesday, they're not just old, they're irrelevant.  But I'll press on with some clean-up on my mental notes.

I'm saddened about what happened state-wide.  DFLers kept the House but, tried as they might, too many stupid outstaters kept the Senate in Republican hands.  This was very important this time around because it's a year ending in -0, and thus there is the Census and its resultant redistricting that has to be done.  If the DFL had control of both houses of the state legislature, they had the power to gerrymander the shit out of the state to ensure control of state government and the state delegation to Washington, D. C.  Republicans are bloodthirsty, and we'd be foolish to think they wouldn't gerrymander if they had all the levers of government.  But what we now have is gridlock, so the same bullshit that has, and hasn't, happened the past two-to-four years will continue, sadly.

Not saying that people of color made the presidential election closer than it should have been and helped Republicans win down-ballot.  But Biden's support came from ... suburbs, which are rapidly getting more diverse but is still overwhelmingly White.  Is it fair to say that White people, at least educated ones, gave the presidency to Biden?  (That being said, Black people overwhelmingly voted for Rev. Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff in the Georgia Senate runoffs, and thus gave the Senate to Democrats.)

So the correct people have control of the executive and legislative branches of federal government.  Phew.  Still, Democrats underperformed (save for Biden and the two Georgia Senate seats) compared to what the polls say.  I think this proves that a lot of Republican voters are no longer telling pollsters they're voting Republican.  I feel certain that Republicans now consider pollsters to be part of The Media, and are acting conspiratorially because of it.  But I also reconcile this supposed dissonance by saying that most Americans are A-OK with undocumented kids in cages, defiling the environment, rolling back rights for women and the LGBTQ community, and giving our hard-earned money to the ultra-rich.  They just got tired of an uncouth asshole as President.  That's all.

There are still enemies of America in America.

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