Thursday, July 7, 2022

You Can't Tell Tone From An E-Mail, But ...

... when some guy says he doesn't know what you're talking about, I just have to clap back at his defensiveness.  And then he had to start in with an accusatory question and ... well, I have a job that I have to do and that I like, so I just let him get what he wants.  But then again, maybe I shouldn't have.  So this/Thursday morning I am going to check with my boss, let him know about our tit-for-tat, and ask 1) if I should have allowed him to do what he did and 2) if I can call him out on his pissant attitude.

When I took this job I wasn't told I would have to make calls.  Well, maybe.  At the very least I was told that my tasks mostly will be back-facing.  But when I got trained for The Fourth Department, and I was told that I'd be making some calls as part of the job, I felt, just a tad, bamboozled.  In for a penny, in for a pound at that point, but it takes a lot of forgetting in order to let go of the feeling that I had been had.  Because I don't like rude people.  And I, defending myself, in turn am rude to them -- the only difference being that that person is wrong for being nasty first, and I am in the right for being nasty back at him/her.

Maybe I was wrong for escalating both the conversation and the review to my boss.  But I don't feel like I'm wrong.  Oh, the tone of this may not be loud and clear, but it sure wasn't garbled.  And so I have to watch this asshole, and watch myself, if and when I have to deal with this guy's fucking bullshit again.

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