Monday, October 19, 2009

What I Was Thinking To Myself When I Realized I Forgot My Cellphone At My Friends' House

Hey, uh, where's the phone?

Oh shit! Did we leave it at their place? Goddamn, look around the car to make sure.

It ain't here. Scatterbrained Unforgivable Wetness, we forgot shit again.

Goddammit, and I had plans to just stay home and do some yardwork.

Well, we can't do that -- well, just that -- now.

Well, yes we can! I'll just get it ... uh ... Tuesday ... wait, I have to work, that won't do ... Wednesday!

That's too long and you know it.

Fuck me. But I don't want to get it tomorrow.

Somebody could call. Your Fucking Father might call.

What, he can't call me on the home phone?

OK, somebody else could call. The guy from the game could call you. You wanna miss that?

No. I know I need to get it back. Just not make it tonight, OK?

Alright. The 'Rents will probably be pissed at us if we just up and left just for a cellphone. They don't have to know.

No, they don't. Now I just have to think if I can do the yardwork another day. What's the weather like?

It's supposed to be raining the middle of the week, as soon as Tuesday even. It's the perfect time to lay down that winter fertilizer!

Goddamn, but I have to go all the way down there to pick up my phone! And I have to rake, then mow, then seed. It's too fucking much!

You've been looking forward to doing this for the past week now. When are you going to have another chance to do this before it gets cold for good? And, I know this sucks, but ...

... yeah, I brought this on myself.

We're just gonna have to make time for the lawn. We have to do something tomorrow.

I'm just pissed that I forgot a simple fucking phone, you know?

I hear ya. It blows. But we brought this on ourselves, so we have to move around our schedule to pick it up, right?

Right. It's an important thing to get ASAP. And we kind of blew it.

Yeah, we kind of fucked up.

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