Monday, August 29, 2011

Once Again Angry With Grandmother Over Her Insulin

It always seems to be a fight with her, but maybe it's me that is fighting too much.

Once again she forgot to take one of her two insulin shots. She did the usual, "But I did it this morning!" thing, but tonight there was a twist: She did eat dinner after we ate dinner, but she didn't take her shot. She's forgetful that way.

I was in my room when I heard commotion in the kitchen. I figured it was her just putzing about, so I took a nap. Later, I heard some more noise, so I went out to the kitchen. That's where I saw Grandmother washing her bowl. She just ate gruel. And I checked the fridge to see that there was still one syringe.

So I vent on her, telling her she forgot to take her medicine, again. Later this evening she approaches my door, and through it she shouts, "Can I take the shot now?" "No!" I exclaimed, "You're not supposed to take it unless you eat first!!" Was she eating, maybe you'll drink something later and you can do it then, blah-blah-blah. Bullshit that Grandmother doesn't understand or will forget later or both.

I took her stats (blood pressure and sugar) just before I showered. If she keeps forgetting her insulin, naturally I start believing she isn't taking her pills either. Right now, she's taking three medications (one twice, so four pills). She has a hell of a hard time keeping track. Grandmother gets really scared when a medicine changes pill form. Confuses her too, I believe. She had the pill bottles laid in a line, some of them stacked. To me, she's lining up all the pills she still needs to take (she told me that she takes one in the morning and the other three some time during the day, up to the last one just before bed). The stacked bottles are the ones that are the same -- to her. I look and those stacked bottles are the same medication as the first bottle in this line. I have reason to think that she's taking the same medicine twice, the medicine she's only supposed to take once. Meanwhile, this third medication she has to take is in a basket. Is she not taking this one? Has she fucked up her health because she can't tell which pills she needs to take?

I'm complaining to the nurse tomorrow. Just to vent.

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