Sunday, August 28, 2011

Still pissed off that I got a ticket. I will be 40 goddamn years old when I can finally put that behind me; the insurance won't let me forget. Did I do it? I'm not saying I did. I wasn't intentionally going 71, like the cop said I did. I wasn't looking at my speed. But can I honestly say I was observing the speed limit? Can't say I did that, either.

Coming back home since this happened, I do see cop cars around, but I still don't feel vulnerable. I don't feel like I'm more liable to get a ticket here. Partly because I don't see as many cop cars around laying down a dragnet like I did in Missouri. (Maybe that's because Minnesota isn't so desperate/dependent on picking on speeders for revenue, which may be reflective of state political attitudes and/or intelligence.)

The main difference, however, is my car. It's a luxury car, but it's 18 years old. It can barely get above 65 if I hold the gas pedal down. In contrast, the beautiful and sporty Mazda 2 felt like I could accelerate it like a dragster if I put my foot down. I could easily do 70 without consciously doing it -- and I did on my vacation, maybe when I got my ticket.

I conclude that I really can't get a ticket because I have such an old car. I naturally speed -- I like going fast, and I don't really like holding myself back when driving. The only thing stopping me from racking up piles of tickets (with the ensuing skyrocketing of my car insurance rates, thankfully being paid [at least right now] by my parents) is the old age of my car. I could not, I believe, get a speeding ticket in this car even if I wanted to. Thank God ... ?

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