Monday, January 16, 2012

Bitch, You Wanna Be Facebook Friends With Me?!?!?!

A couple days ago this cunt from high school made a request on my facebook. I was never friends with this woman. There are three things I remember from this woman:
  • Her boyfriend at the time bullied me. And he wasn't even a teasing bully. When he insulted me, he said it with this scowl on my face like he wanted me to try and punch him so he could kill me. I don't even know that son-of-a-bitch's name and I still want to kill him.
  • The entire class had to take this weekend trip to a camp in Wisconsin. This camp practiced and tried to preach conservation. One of the things they did to "teach" us during this camp (and to think we kids could be taught while camping, hah!) was to set a goal of wasting food when we ate. It was a ridiculously small amount, like, five pounds. Well, our first dinner that night we went over this limit. The leader of the campground was visibly, if laughably (in that treehugger kind of way) upset. But the person who threw away the most food, by far, was this stupid girl. And she tried to defend herself; I think she screamed, "Well, I didn't know!" to everyone within earshot.
  • She was a bad memory till about a year ago, when I saw her goddamn name and face on facebook. She's friends with a friend of mine (I've reevaluated our relationship because of that and decided to let it slide), so I was able to see a comment she made regarding her belief that marriage is between a man and a woman. Oh, she's gotten all religious now, huh? A couple other classmates shouted her down. In a separate conversation, one of them called her a "judgmental bitch." That sounds right.
And she friended me??? Why? Seriously, I don't get it. I can't even see from her perspective why she would want to be friends with me. We hated each other. Well, I hated her, at least.

This reminds me of another high school person who friended me. He used to be a friend, but he decided to be friends with the people who bullied me. He also participated in an NBA playoff pool where he never paid his ante. It's been so long, so I just say he owes me, oh, $30.

So when this fucker friends me, I have absolutely no intention of letting bygones be bygones. I go, "Hey, you owe me $30." So he goes, "When?" And I remind him of the NBA playoff pool. So he then says, "Yeah, I would do that." But I persisted: "Well, can you pay me back?"

And then ... nothing. I sent him another message, telling him he can repay me by check or through Paypal. Next thing I know, he withdrew his friend request. Cheap welching bastard.

I should have sent a message to this bitch saying, "Cunt, I wouldn't be friends with you with we were the last two goddamn people on Earth. I hope you drop dead, I hope your husband drops dead, and I hope your kids drop dead." But I don't need that reputation.

Why isn't there a "No" button? I get either "Accept" or "Not Now." Zuckerberg, don't beat around the bush. There are people who don't want to accept friend requests and don't mind saying that to the requester. But I had to go to "Not Now." Maybe she'll get the hint.

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