Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Addendum To: Now I'm Back To Being Afraid Of My Car Again (Scheduled Post)

That thing where I press down on the gas pedal and my car doesn't rev up?  Well, after about a good week of not having that problem, on my drive in to work Monday morning it happened twice.  The first time, just after I got down from my driveway, wasn't bad because no one was on the street.  However, the second time, when I was the first car stopped at a light and there was a line of morning rush cars waiting right behind me, scared the hell out of me.  (The guy who was stalking behind me, waiting for me to accelerate to a safe speed, finally said to hell with it and got in front of me.  He was clear of me by the time the accelerator finally kicked in.)

That is dangerous, real damn dangerous.  Combine that with what essentially is the opposite that happened on my drive home from work: My car was speeding up very slowly, but after I take this right turn my car just zoomed like it was a new car, and I didn't change the pressure on the pedal at all.  So it won't speed up when it should and it speeds up when I didn't ask for it to speed up.  Which makes me wet my pants at how my car's going to react tomorrow.  Worse yet, there's snow on the way, which will effect both commutes.  Will the slow speeds help, or is there a greater chance that I'll get hit by cars surprised at a non-accelerating me?

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