Tuesday, March 3, 2015

The Real Problem With #thedress

Fuck what colors they are, and fuck all the hype about how social media is wasting its time with what colors they are.  This debate is important, quite important, because of one very ominous circumstance: It appears as though there is no consensus theory that helps dispel how some people think it's white-and-gold while others think it's black-and-blue.

Therein lies the problem.  Two people can apparently look at the exact same picture and say they see two entirely different things.  And if we cannot agree on what we both are looking at, if we somehow honestly describe the same image differently from each other, we are fucked as a society and as a race.  I mean it.

You think politics is bad, where Democrats and Republicans disagree about everything, including a decision President Obama makes?  This is infinitely worse.  In politics at least you understand that there's something important at stake over these juvenile and nonsensical disagreements, namely power and influence.  Here, we're just talking about the colors of an ugly fucking dress.  How the hell can we not see the same thing?

This is truly scary, and I am feeling increasingly hopeless that we will be able to survive an attack from alien invaders.

The dress is clearly white-and-gold, by the way.  You black-and-blue people don't know what the fuck you're talking about, and you people are what is wrong with America.

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