Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Oh Great, Wasps

This just frightened the shit out of me.  I got home yesterday, went to open my bedroom window, and saw this mass up on the window.  In case I haven't written about it, one half of the window, or a screen, or something, it broke and fell out of the house over the autumn.  That means that, presumably, the window opens to the outside.  I guess it already does, but there is no screen, which means large things, such as insects, can come inside.  Also, the things insects bring can come inside, too.  Lots of things.

Lots of things such as a nest.  See, at first I thought it was a small nest that was attached to the top side of my window.  But as looked closer, I saw that this wasn't a bird nest, with straws neatly laid on top of each other.  No, I saw hexagons lined up together.  And then I saw the hornets.

Well, OK, not hornets.  I am guessing these are wasps, paper wasps, and they found the underside of my open window a great place to begin forming a nest.  I don't know how long it's been there, but I know I saw at least one wasp that I eventually found dead in my room a couple weeks back.  I assume it's recent because, my God, there were several wasps on this nest, and I think that if they've been there for some time, I would have seen them in my room.  Also, on Monday (or was it Sunday?) night I got three bites on my feet.  I think they are mosquito bites because I think I would have seen a wasp if they were wasp bites, but I don't know for sure.

At any rate, I didn't know what the hell to do.  So I went to the U. entomology page and other pages on the Internet, and they said that bug spray should kill the nest.  So, before coming home, I'm going to Target and get some bug spray, and then, late at night, I will open up the window and murder them.


But until then?  The window can't be open until I get home.  Yet I am absolutely scared that My Fucking Father is going to yell at me for not doing something about the wasp nest.  And on top of that I know he's going to fucking meddle over my room.  So, what to do?

I thought about just keeping the window closed and hoping he wouldn't fucking walk in my room and open the window.  But I assumed he would.  So, I grabbed a Post-It note and wrote "DON'T OPEN" and stuck it on the window.  And I immediately regretted it.  I am scared that My Fucking Father would go into my room, look at my note on the window, then wait for me to come home and yell at me for being lazy and not doing something about a nest that obviously anyone would have seen as soon as the first piece of nest was nailed to the window.  Or, even worse, he would look at the note, find the nest, and take it upon himself to kill the nest himself, and he would do it in the middle of the day when the wasps are awake and they'll start stinging the shit out of him.  So when I finally get home with the bug spray, My Fucking Father, bites all over his goddamn face, will start screaming at me, "Your room is so dirty, bees like to build nests in your room!  Clean your room!!!"  And then I'll tell him that I just discovered the nest in the morning (even though I saw it yesterday evening, whatever), and then I'll start yelling back at him, "Well, if you would get my goddamn window fixed the wasps wouldn't get into my window, you fucking lazy asshole!"  And maybe the argument will get so bad that the roadtrip is off.

So let's see what happens tonight.

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