Thursday, August 11, 2016

So I Guess They Were Full Of Shit

I wasn't calling their bluff; I was going to just find a place further down this ruse to stall.  But they said they were going to help me register for class, so I had no choice but to find a class for them to register in my name.  That's what I did this morning -- I gave Mother a Post-It note with the classes for Econ 101.

"Oh, you have the numbers?" Mother said.  "Well, yes, you need these to register for me," I replied.

"Well, you can do this by yourself online, right?" Mother said back to me.  So I said, "Why did you say you were going to register for me?"

I'm not sure what she was thinking.  But what she said was, "Well, since you know what class you want to take, you can do this yourself."  So, what did they plan on doing if I didn't have these class numbers?  Were they going to go to the U. and just, like, find me a class to sign up for?  Seriously, I thought we were on the same page on what I (theoretically) was going to do.  But now it seems like they're back to assuming that I'm going to register for a class by myself.

Well, if they don't remember how I've been stalling on this bullshit for the past two decades, they're going to get another reminder real quick.  Left to my own devices, now needing to go back to work and still having no goddamn clue as to how to go back to school, and you're just going to assume that this is the time I'm going back?!  Prepare for yet another blizzard of lies as to why I'm not going back, guys.

Oh, this is so funny.  They really don't care at all, Buddha love 'em!

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