Saturday, August 20, 2016

Not The Nutritious Saving Grace I Thought It Was (Scheduled Post)

It always seems to happen to me regardless of age: In the summer I get so thirsty that I am able to drink massive quantities.  That usually means that, mostly in the summer, I buy juice more frequently because I sometimes will quaff cup after cup after cup.

This summer, at least, it was Simply, the juice company that, thanks to the World Of Coca-Cola, I learned was owned by Coke.  It's absolutely tasty, and when I feel parched, it totally hits the spot.  And after being underwhelmed by low-calorie juices, it felt good to allow down my gullet only "real" juices like Simply, whether it's lemonade, limeade, mixed berries or whatnot.

But then I started reading the label.  The calories were fine, like 110 calories per.  Sure, the low-cals were much less, but like I said, for the taste I might as well just infuse real fruits into water.  I want to buy something that I can't really do myself, you know?  Anyway, I started reading down the ingredients, and I came across the sugar.  I think (because I'm taking this off the type of my head) that there are 28 grams per serving.

That's a lot, although I don't remember whether the list gives that as a percentage of daily recommendation.  Nevertheless, that's a lot.  And so I feel kind of ashamed that it never really hit me until, oh, this week that consuming that much sugar is bad.  It didn't register with me; I just downed cup after cup of Simply until I got satisfied.

It was this week that I really started to feel the weight of my gut.  I hate to admit this, but now I am hovering around 175, and I absolutely friggin' hate it.  And all this time I've been blaming my parents for this.  I swore that as soon as they got home and started cooking dinner that I ate every evening I ballooned, and that was exacerbated when I became unemployed and brought the food Mother prepared for me to "work," eating it and the lunch I wanted to buy for myself.  I continue to exercise like a demon, yet I can't seem to get the weight off.

And that's when I started to think that maybe, possibly, it's not them.  Maybe it's me.  Specifically, maybe it's the big bad sugar that I drink from all the juice I have drank over the summer months that is making me fat.  My goodness, this theory was staring me in the face and I didn't see it.  Stupid friggin' me.

So now what?  I'll have to finish off the rest of the Simply.  But I still need my juice.  What should I get?  I really don't want to go back to the 15-calorie stuff; I still don't think I should buy something that low-cal, and frankly, it didn't taste that good.  But I have a feeling that juices that don't have a lot of sugar will either be tasteless or expensive, and possibly both.

Man, I just want something that'll slake my thirst without expanding my waistline.

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