Monday, May 8, 2017

So I Guess I'm Going To Just Let It Happen

I was supposed to know by early this week whether or not I am getting a third interview.  Something tells me, though, that if I hadn't interviewed at all by early this week, I didn't get the job.  Therefore, I didn't get the job.

In harkening back to my interview I realized another telltale sign that I flunked it: When she told me, "You'll know later this week or early next week," she didn't look at me.  That's a sign that she's thinking in her head, "No, not this guy."

I had a thought that tonight would be the last night I could call the supervisor who tipped me off to this job.  If early this week is the very last day to do this, and if she somehow forgot, this would be the very last day I could try and say, "Hey, I interviewed last week and I'm still waiting on a call back for that third interview.  Did you forget me?"  I thought about all the drawbacks to doing that, but I thought I was going to go through with it anyway because at this point, I have nothing to lose.

However I have, unfortunately, decided against that.  The one thing I realized only just now is that the person who interviewed so long ago (Monday) is the person I would be answering to.  She answers to this supervisor, but I would be answering to her.  Therefore, the supervisor might not like me doing an end run around the person I have to work for.  If I did e-mail her, and in fact if there is a third interview, and in fact if my supervisor told her employee (my immediate boss) about what I did ... awkward!

So I won't e-mail her.  Then again, they might have already decided to reject me, in which case my seemingly mature decision not to napalm this entire process would be rendered moot.  I feel as though I'm just twisting in the wind, my fate already decided but not known.  But I can't just spout off passive-aggressively to those in power because "I'm not supposed to do that."  (sigh)

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