Wednesday, May 24, 2017

OK, Now This Is Both Messed Up And Presents A Perfect Opportunity

OK, I said last blog post that we're going to start on a brand-new test scoring project today at 10.  I didn't mention that there was a possibility that we would not, and if so, we would receive a call in the morning.  Well, I did get a call this morning saying, uh, don't come in at 10, and then we'll call you later today.  Coming in later than 10 doesn't really make any sense, so I'm guessing (and he thought this as well) that we're just not coming in today.

This project, like the one at the Mall Of America, has now officially become a clusterfuck.  I have never been told not to show up for work I thought we had.  Is this a sign of the "gig" economy the entire world will now be forced to live under?  But at least we'll get paid for the day.  Sweet.

So now I have the day all to myself.  What to do?  Well, I'm spending the morning blogging about this at a coffeeshop, so my morning's not totally wasted.  But I saw something on my way out of the house this morn.  I went downstairs to Father's computer room to see if he wanted any Powerball tickets.  (The jackpot stands at a quarter-billion, so get your tix now.)  And he was on the Internet, looking at an article in Chinese, but the goddamn wi-fi modem was blinking red again.

I had thought about getting back on working on changing networks last night, but now that I should have my afternoon free, I think I need to start working on looking at other places.  I have CenturyLink for right now, but their 60-month period ends soon, and I am planning on just ending Internet service with them and just going with a landline.  Simultaneously, I would find someone else (probably Comcast -- ugh) and start the process of going with them.  And so I will probably visit a store after I'm done blogging this and get more information.  And if this 60-month promo price ends soon -- I thought it ended around Independence Day, but I got my bill saying I'm at month 60 of 60, so who knows -- I should switch providers now.

See, I wouldn't be able to do all this if I were at work.  So that's a silver lining.  Right?

Oh yeah, I might fuck a girl this afternoon if she's free.  And if not, I might watch a soccer game.

Anyway, I should go.

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