Monday, May 29, 2017

Sunday Was Rudeness Day, Apparently

I don't know, man, but yesterday (Sunday) people were just pissy all over.  There was the owner at Caffetto, who threw down my change in front of me instead of handing it to me.  There was My Asshole Brother who, after I texted him advice on what to expect when getting Comcast, just replied, "No" (not even a period, brother?).  And then there was the Comcast bitch, Rhonda, who, after throwing me a card with the installation appointment day and time and asking, "Is there anything else?" to which I stammered out a no because I wasn't quite sure if I had no more questions, she blew me off by saying "Thank you, bye-bye," while not making eye contact with me at all.  Something on her computer was totally transfixing her, like maybe Candy Crush.  Oh, that good ol' Comcast customer service.

You know, I really am not big on manners.  But with all the bullshit I got yesterday, I am big on manners right now.  Was it just that it's a holiday weekend and people just didn't want to be nice and instead wanted to be real?  Is that it?  The worst is Comcast, partly because I was and am still afraid of their notoriously shitty customer service, partly because I knew all of that shit and still decided to sign up for them anyway.  At this point they've got me by the shorthairs.  Rhonda, by fucking God, I hope to need to deal with your bitch-ass face ever again.

Went to Wendy's for a late lunch, and even though the service was better -- the manager was actually nice to me, and the two other people who helped with my order at least weren't rude -- the service wasn't really that competent.  It took me five minutes to get my "fast" food order.  This day I'll take slow and not rude over fast and rude.  But shit, can I at least get someone who's both professional and competent, please?

So thank Buddha for the young woman who helped me get tickets at the gas station close to my house before I came home.  You don't need years of experience; just a good attitude and the understanding you're there to help someone.  That's not too much to ask.

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